
Know If Smoking Is Really Bad For Your Oral Health

February 9, 2022
Oral Health

People who smoke have an increased chance of suffering from tooth loss, complications after tooth removal and oral surgery, gum disease, and mouth cancer. They are more prone to infections and heal slower than non-smokers. Giving up smoking lessens the risk of developing gum disease and oral cancer, as well as improves a person’s reaction to gum treatment. People who smoke should see their dentist on a regular basis to keep their teeth and gums healthy and to look for signs of oral cancer. In this blog, we are going to talk about the ways in which smoking can affect your oral health. 

Dental Problems Caused By Smoking

The best dentists in Hialeah have come up with the most common oral problems that can occur due to the habit of smoking. 

  • Periodontal disease or gum problems
  • Cancer in the mouth
  • The soft tissues in the mouth get whitened
  • The rate of healing after tooth extraction or any other oral surgery get delayed
  • Decay of teeth or dental cavities
  • Loss of one or multiple teeth
  • Persistent bad taste in the mouth
  • Halitosis or bad breath

How Does Smoking Affect Your Oral Health?

The list of ways in which smoking might harm your dental health is extensive.  Parts of this list are self-evident if you’re a smoker, but the majority of them are alarming.

  • Cigarette tar can stain your teeth, darken your tongue, and cause halitosis, while smoking can dull your sense of smell and taste.
  • Smokers’ immune systems are reduced, resulting in weakened defenses against oral diseases and a lengthier recovery time after dental surgery.
  • If you smoke, you’re twice as likely to suffer from gum disease or periodontal problems.
  • Smoking promotes the growth of germs, plaque, and tartar, resulting in decay, cavities, and tooth loss.
  • Oral health problems such as ulcers and mouth sores are substantially more common in the case of people who smoke.
  • Gum disease causes smokers’ gums to recede, exposing the crown margins. This could make dental hygiene more difficult and modify the way the crowns look.
  • Smoking, cigars, and smokeless tobacco expose you to dangerous chemicals that create mutations in the healthy cells of your mouth and throat, increasing your risk of developing oral cancer, which is one of the most serious and difficult to treat cancers.

We hope that you have now gained a clear understanding of why “not smoking” is important for the well-being of your oral health. 

Tips To Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking involves a lot of effort, dedication, accountability, and willpower. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a plethora of information on quitting smoking, including suggestions, methods, and how to stay on track. They also offer a five-step approach to help you stop:

  • You need to set a specific date for quitting
  • Make use of your friends, family, and medical specialists to assist you to achieve the goal.
  • Redirect your attention to something else when the need to smoke develops.
  • Discuss the advantages of utilizing prescription or over-the-counter drugs with your doctor.
  • Recognize them, take responsibility for them, seek to overcome them, and continue pushing.

If you have any further queries related to this topic, get in touch with Miro Dental Centers of Hialeah. We also provide the best quality dental care in Hialeah, FL, and nearby. Schedule an appointment if you are in need.