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Dental Implants in Kendall | What Is the Procedure?

February 6, 2017
Dental Implants

Losing a tooth, no matter if it’s from tooth decay, gum disease, or injury, can be painful. Luckily, replacing a missing tooth doesn’t have to be. There are a ton of tooth replacement options. But if you’re look for the best option, look no further than dental implants. Dental implants in Kendall hold countless benefits and can help your smile look and feel better than ever before. Not to mention, you’ll be surprised at how relatively easy the dental implant procedure is. What is the procedure? Keep reading to find out!

The Procedure for Dental Implants in Kendall

After you meet with your dentist for your initial consultation for dental implants in Kendall the procedure will begin. The entire procedure typically takes a few appointments and will consist of the following 4 steps.

Step 1: The dental implant is surgically placed into your jawbone.

Step 2: As you heal, the implant begins to osseointegrate or fuse with your natural jawbone in order to form a sturdy foundation for your replacement tooth. This entire process can take anywhere from weeks to months, but won’t interfere with your everyday life.

Step 3: After your implant bonds with your jawbone, the abutment is placed on top of the dental implant. This abutment is what connects the implant with your replacement tooth.

Step 4: Your replacement tooth is attached to the abutment. The procedure for dental implants in Kendall is complete.

Receive the best dental implants in Kendall by contacting us. Here at Miro Dental Centers, our team of experienced dentists will treat you to high-quality care in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Start restoring your smile by scheduling a dental implant consultation with us today!